Fossil Safaris & Geoheritage Adventure Guide

Find fossils, uncover crystals and learn geology with a professional scientist guide.

Fossil Safaris around Whitby

Steve is a founder of the Geoheritage Collective – professional Earth science guides to the Yorkshire Coast!


Combining coastal rock platform walking with geology lesson, Steve’s bespoke tours to 12 locations are tailored for families, school classes and small groups. Find fossils whilst learning stories of Jurassic Yorkshire in a scenic outdoor classroomAll activities are insured, risk assessed and teach safety within an adventurous environment. Our ethos is to combine finding with learning and promote responsible collecting.



Crystals and Minerals of the North Pennine Orefield

The mineral reserves of the North Pennines are world-famous. Today, their legacy exists in fine quality specimens in every major mineral collection, plus a fascinating variety of visible relics from the region’s industrial past. Mines, processing plants and industrial archaeology underly many locations, and reveal not just geological marvels, but stories of the areas forgone mining heritage. Steve is available as a private guide for itineraries into this world.


For details please get in touch.


a group of underground explorers in an abandoned lead mine
a man holds a large weardale fluorite specimen outside a mine entrance

Digg Deeper

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+44 (0) 7816278287

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